
Board of Directors Meetings

  • Board meetings are normally held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (March, June, September, and December) at 6:00 PM on zoom.  Please check the gray box to the right for the actual date of the next meeting.
  • Quarterly agendas are posted one day prior to every meeting at the intersections of Gateway Rd and Picket Pin and Gateway Rd and Light Hill Rd
  • All board meetings are open to the public and attendance is encouraged



The covenants (also known as a “declaration” or “covenants, conditions, and restrictions / CCRs”) is a set of obligations and restrictions on all properties within the HOA and is recorded in the real property records.

All homeowners should review and become familiar with the Protective Covenants of the Gateway of Snowmass Mesa Subdivision 

Water Meter Specs - for new or replacement meters


Metropolitan districts are a type of Colorado special district that provides at least two types of services— fire, mosquito, parks and recreation, safety protection, sanitation, solid waste disposal, street improvement, television relay, transportation, water—and are created in accordance with the Special District Act (Title 32, Article 1, C.R.S.).

    • Metro districts are independent governmental entities formed to finance, design, acquire, install, construct, operate and/or maintain public improvements that are not otherwise being provided.
    • The Gateway Metro District provides its district users with water and roads.

Per the Augmentation Plan, the following limits on outside irrigation are to be adhered to:
• 4,500 sq. ft./lot max on outside irrigation for lots that are in-district customers
• 3,000 sq. ft /lot max on outside irrigation for lots that are considered out-of-district customers

Go to the Documents page to find the House Bill 23-1105, Notice of HB 23-1105, and the Memorandum.


Most of Colorado is in an extreme drought. In anticipation of continued drought conditions in 2022, your Board is asking water customers to implement the following voluntary restrictions for outdoor water use:

  • NO WATERING between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • ODD NUMBERED HOMES – irrigate between 6:00 pm and Midnight
  • EVEN NUMBERED HOMES – irrigate between Midnight and 6:00 am
  • Limit watering to three days a week.
  • Use a hose nozzle and shutoff when watering garden or washing cars.
  • Avoid water waste that results in excessive runoff, pooling water, runoff to gutters and streets, and watering or washing hard surfaces like driveways.

In addition, we are requesting the following best practices be considered:

  • Check sprinkler system at the beginning of each month and adjust the time.
  • Avoid watering during high winds and after rain.
  • Repair sprinkler system leaks and breaks or turn off system.
  • Let your grass grow longer between mowing.


We ask that owners notify IMM if they see the warning light for the water system flashing.


In order to serve your community 24 hours a day, we have an afterhours system in place. This service should be used for incidents such as water leaks, major road damage, etc. Any emergency that presents a danger to the community should be reported to the local authorities as well. First, call the main office line at 970-945-7653, the recorded line will tell you to press 1 for emergencies. This will route you to our afterhours service. Please advise the attendant of your name, address, contact info and that you are part of Gateway Metro District. Next, you’ll explain the situation to the attendant. They will then take that message and relay it to whomever we have on call at that time. Management is also advised of the situation and can begin the process of reaching out to the emergency response team.


Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility as a homeowner to maintain the culverts under your driveway. Culvert maintenance is important because an unmaintained culvert can cause drainage problems and can damage roads and driveways. Please make sure your culvert is properly maintained at all times.


Water relies on power, so when there is a power outage the pumps will not work. You are able to continue to use the water from the storage tanks, however you should conserve water usage until the power goes back on. If the remaining water in the tanks is used up the community will be without water until we have power again.

Next Metro District Meeting:

  • The next water meter reads will be around April 1st. Keep an eye out for an email for details.
  • The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. via zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 343 857 2220
Passcode: 213295

Call In: 719-359-4580


  • The Board meets remotely using Zoom.
  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Gateway Metro District payment address has changed, all payments as of 1/1/2022 should be sent to PO BOX 3405, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602.
  • The 2025 Budgets are available now on the website's Documents page. (top right corner, log in info listed on login page in red)
  • Water Meter Specs - for new or replacement meters 




TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly to the electors of the Gateway Metropolitan District of Pitkin County, Colorado.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held on Tuesday, May 6, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) directors will be elected to serve a four-year term and one (1) director will be elected to serve a two-year term.

Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms are available from Peggy Rupp, the Designated Election Official for the District, at Collins Cole Winn & Ulmer, PLLC, 165 S. Union Blvd., Suite 785, Lakewood, Colorado 80228, or email: prupp@cogovlaw.com.  Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms must be filed with the Designated Election Official for the District at the above email address not less than 67 days prior to the election (Friday, February 28, 2025 at 4:00 pm).

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots may be filed with the Designated Election Official of the District at the above address during normal business hours (8:00 am and 4:00 pm), until the close of business on the Tuesday immediately preceding the election (Tuesday, April 29, 2025).  All absentee ballots must be returned to the Designated Election Official by 7:00 p.m. on election day.


By:  /s/ Peggy Rupp, Designated Election Official

Publish one time in:  Aspen Times on February 6, 2025

Board Members
President:  Peter Van Domelen 143 Light Hill Rd, Snowmass, CO  81654:  970-925-3771 
Vice President:   Rick Newton 1588 Gateway Rd, Snowmass, CO  81654:  970-927-4187 
Director: Bill Landman 0027 Light Hill Rd, Snowmass, CO  81654:  970-927-3256 
Secretary:  Holly Benson 241 Picket Pin Lane, Snowmass, CO  81654:  970-927-4165 
Treasurer: Joe Raczak 234 Light Hill Rd, Snowmass, CO  81654:  970-925-1510 

Other Contacts

District Manager:  Bob Johnson
(970) 945-7653  ext: 206
Bookkeeper: Juliann Gornick   
PO BOX 3405, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
(970) 945-0150 Ext. 1